Supreme Court Calendar 2024 PDF

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Supreme Court Calendar 2024 PDF

The release of the Supreme Court Calendar 2024 PDF marks a significant milestone for legal professionals, litigants, and individuals seeking information on the court’s schedule and proceedings. This official document, accessible from the Supreme Court of India’s website or through a direct download link, offers a comprehensive overview of the court’s activities, hearings, and important dates throughout the year.

The Summer Vacation period, highlighted in vibrant orange on the calendar, signifies a crucial break in the court’s regular sessions. Starting on Monday, the 20th of May, 2024, the Summer Vacation provides judges, lawyers, and court personnel with a well-deserved respite before resuming proceedings on Monday, the 8th of July, 2024. This interlude allows for rest, rejuvenation, and strategic planning for the legal community.

During the Summer Vacation, although the court’s regular sittings are on hold, the Registry of the Court remains operational to address essential administrative tasks and urgent matters. The Registry’s continued functioning ensures that crucial legal processes, document filings, and inquiries can still be attended to, maintaining a level of service and support for stakeholders during the break.

It’s noteworthy that while Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays are non-working days for the Registry, an exception is made for the last Saturday of the Summer Vacation, falling on the 6th of July, 2024. On this day, the Registry will be open to accommodate any pressing issues, inquiries, or administrative needs before the court’s full reopening.

The Supreme Court Calendar serves as a valuable resource for legal professionals, litigants, and individuals interested in the court’s schedule and operational details. By providing clear information on vacation periods, working days, and Registry availability, the calendar facilitates effective planning, communication, and engagement with the legal system.


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