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Moral Stories in English PDF

Moral Stories English – For Kids

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

The story of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” teaches us a valuable lesson about the consequences of dishonesty and the importance of trust in relationships. In this classic tale, a young boy repeatedly lies about a wolf attacking the village sheep, causing the villagers to lose trust in him. When a real wolf appears and the boy calls for help, no one believes him because of his past deceitful behavior.

The boy’s actions not only put the sheep in danger but also highlight the damaging effects of dishonesty on relationships. By lying repeatedly, the boy loses the trust of the villagers, making it difficult for them to believe him even when he is telling the truth. This story serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us that honesty and integrity are essential for building and maintaining trust with others.

The story underscores the importance of credibility and the consequences of breaking trust. Once trust is broken, it can be challenging to regain, as seen in the villagers’ reluctance to believe the boy even in a genuine emergency. The old man’s wise words to the boy emphasize the long-lasting impact of dishonesty on one’s reputation and relationships. In our own lives, it is crucial to value honesty and integrity, as they form the foundation of trust in our interactions with others. By being truthful and reliable, we can establish strong and meaningful connections with people around us.

The story of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” serves as a reminder to always uphold honesty and integrity in our words and actions to maintain trust and credibility in our relationships. The moral of this story is clear: lying erodes trust and credibility. By staying true to our word and being honest in all our dealings, we can build and nurture strong relationships based on trust and integrity. The tale of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” teaches us an important lesson about the consequences of dishonesty and the value of trust in our interactions with others.


The Golden Touch

  • The story of “The Golden Touch” recounts the tale of King Midas, who, after performing a good deed, was granted a wish by the god Dionysus to turn everything he touched into gold. Despite the warning from Dionysus about the consequences, Midas eagerly embraced his new power. Initially thrilled by the ability to turn objects into gold, Midas soon faced the harsh reality of his wish. As he tried to eat, he discovered that even his food transformed into inedible gold. The true tragedy struck when his daughter, in a moment of love and concern, hugged him, only to be turned into a golden statue. It was in this heartbreaking moment that King Midas realized the devastating effects of his golden touch.
  • The story of “The Golden Touch” serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of greed and the unforeseen consequences of unchecked desires. King Midas’s story reminds us of the importance of considering the implications of our wishes and the potential harm that can result from selfish pursuits. In the end, King Midas learned a valuable lesson about the true value of human connections and the emptiness of material wealth. The tale of “The Golden Touch” warns us against the pursuit of riches at the cost of losing what truly matters in life: love, family, and human relationships.
  • It underscores the significance of appreciating the intangible treasures that bring genuine happiness and fulfillment, far beyond the allure of superficial wealth.  In conclusion, “The Golden Touch” conveys a powerful message about the perils of unchecked desires and the importance of prioritizing human connections over material possessions. King Midas’s story serves as a timeless reminder to cherish the invaluable aspects of life that cannot be bought or turned to gold.

The Fox and the Grapes

  • The story of “The Fox and the Grapes” tells the tale of a hungry fox on the search for food. Despite his efforts, the fox struggled to find anything to eat until he came across a farmer’s wall adorned with large, purple, juicy grapes. The fox’s desire for the tantalizing grapes led him to leap repeatedly in an attempt to reach them, but to no avail. After several failed attempts, the fox eventually gave up and returned home, convincing himself that the grapes were probably sour anyway.
  • The classic fable of “The Fox and the Grapes” serves as a poignant lesson in resilience and the art of rationalization. The fox’s initial eagerness to obtain the grapes highlights the pursuit of desires and the challenges that come with unattainable goals. His eventual dismissal of the grapes as sour reflects a common human tendency to devalue what is beyond reach to soothe disappointment.
  • The story of the fox and the grapes underscores the importance of perseverance and adaptability in the face of obstacles. While the fox’s initial efforts were met with failure, his decision to reframe the situation in his mind allowed him to move on without dwelling on his inability to reach the grapes. In essence, “The Fox and the Grapes” encourages reflection on how we approach challenges and setbacks in life. It prompts us to consider our responses to unmet expectations and the role of perception in shaping our experiences. The fable serves as a gentle reminder to maintain a positive outlook and adapt to circumstances with grace and resilience.

The Proud Rose

  • The tale of “The Proud Rose” unfolds in the harsh desert landscape, where a rose and a cactus coexist. The rose, known for its beauty, harbored a sense of superiority and would often belittle the cactus, disregarding its worth. Despite the attempts of other plants to defend the cactus, the rose remained fixated on its own appearance, blinded by arrogance.
  • As a scorching summer devoid of water swept over the desert, the proud rose began to wilt under the relentless sun. In contrast, the cactus, resilient and adapted to the arid conditions, transformed into a vital source of sustenance for sparrows seeking water in the barren land. The once haughty rose, now in dire need, humbled itself and approached the cactus for help.
  • In a surprising turn of events, the cactus, embodying kindness and generosity, offered water to the struggling rose without hesitation. This act of compassion and selflessness from the cactus not only saved the rose from wilting away but also served as a powerful lesson in humility and the importance of kindness in times of need.
  • Through the narrative of “The Proud Rose,” the fable conveys profound themes of humility, compassion, and the transformative power of empathy. It underscores the significance of looking beyond appearances and embracing the inherent value of every being, regardless of outward beauty or perceived status. The story serves as a reminder of the beauty found in acts of kindness and the enduring impact of extending a helping hand to others in their moments of vulnerability.