Bihar Caste Based Survey Form PDF

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Bihar Caste Based Survey Form PDF

The initiation of the second phase of the caste-based census, known as the Bihar Caste Census, marks a significant milestone in the state of Bihar. The implementation of the mobile application designated for the second phase, BIJGA (Bihar Caste Based Enumeration), signifies a technological leap towards comprehensive data collection. With a structured format comprising 17 columns and an extensive list of 214 caste names, the app has been distributed to senior district officials across all districts to facilitate the seamless execution of the census.

While the app streamlines the data collection process, concerns have arisen regarding the validation of the information being gathered. Despite statisticians not being mandated to conduct validation procedures, the absence of stringent document requirements raises apprehensions about the accuracy and integrity of the collected data. Efforts to ensure data integrity and reliability are paramount to the success of the Bihar Caste Census.

The survey encompasses a comprehensive data collection approach, capturing not only the demographic details of each family but also the intricate information pertaining to individual family members. In addition to basic details such as age and name, the census extends its reach to family members residing outside the household, providing a holistic view of familial relationships and dynamics. Furthermore, the enumeration includes inquiries about the occupations and professions of family members, alongside an assessment of the luxuries enjoyed by the family unit.

Each survey form accommodates details of approximately 15 family members, allowing for a comprehensive representation of the household structure. In cases where the family size exceeds this limit, supplementary forms are made available to ensure the inclusion of all members. The meticulous data collection process, encompassing a wide array of socio-economic indicators, demands approximately half an hour to complete, reflecting the thoroughness and depth of the Bihar Caste Census.

As the Bihar Caste Census progresses, the meticulous collection of data serves as a foundation for informed policy-making and targeted interventions aimed at addressing societal disparities. The amalgamation of technological advancements, comprehensive data collection methodologies, and a commitment to data integrity underscores the significance of the second phase of the caste-based census in Bihar. This initiative not only sheds light on the intricate fabric of caste dynamics but also paves the way for evidence-based decision-making and inclusive development strategies tailored to the needs of diverse communities across the state.


Bihar Caste-Based Survey Form

  • The General Administration Department (GAD) of Bihar has implemented a user-friendly approach by incorporating a dropdown box for the enumeration of caste names. This innovative feature streamlines the data collection process, offering enumerators a selection of 214 caste names to choose from. Among these options are 203 Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, and upper castes within both the Hindu and Muslim communities. Each caste name is accompanied by a unique code for accurate identification and categorization.
  • The existing caste names, the dropdown box now includes 11 new castes based on independent reports from diverse districts. This inclusion reflects the commitment to inclusivity and the acknowledgment of the evolving social landscape within Bihar.
  • The personal information gathered through this census is comprehensive, encompassing vital details of each resident. Enumerators record essential data such as the resident’s name, father/husband’s name, marital status, age, gender, caste name, religion, and their relationship to the head of the household. These details provide a nuanced understanding of the demographic composition within households, facilitating targeted interventions and policy formulation.
  • The census delves into socio-economic indicators to capture the residents’ educational qualifications, employment status, vehicle ownership, land holdings (both agricultural and residential), utilization of technology (such as computers and laptops), housing conditions, temporary migration status, and monthly income from all sources. This holistic approach to data collection not only paints a detailed picture of the socio-economic landscape but also serves as a valuable resource for evidence-based decision-making and the formulation of inclusive development strategies tailored to the diverse needs of Bihar’s population.
  • The integration of the dropdown box system, coupled with the meticulous collection of personal and socio-economic data, underscores the significance of the Bihar Caste Census in capturing the multifaceted dimensions of society and paving the way for informed policy interventions that promote equitable growth and development across the state.


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