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Right to Information Act 2019 Hindi PDF

The Right to Information Act, commonly known as RTI, embodies the fundamental principle of transparency and accountability within a nation. This legislation empowers citizens by granting them the right to access information held by public authorities. Through the RTI Act, governments aim to foster a culture of openness and ensure that their operations and decision-making processes are transparent to the public.

In a democratic setup, citizens entrust their elected representatives with the responsibility of governance, expecting them to act in the best interests of the people. However, the prevalence of corruption in many countries has eroded this trust over time. Corruption undermines the very essence of democracy, leading to a lack of accountability and transparency in governance.

To combat corruption and uphold democratic values, it is imperative to provide citizens with the means to hold their government accountable. The right to information serves as a powerful tool in this regard, enabling individuals to scrutinize government actions, policies, and expenditures. By promoting access to information, the RTI Act empowers citizens to actively participate in the democratic process and ensure that public officials act in the public interest.

Transparency in governance is essential for building trust between the government and its citizens. When the workings of the government are shrouded in secrecy, it creates a breeding ground for corruption and malpractice. By enacting laws that guarantee the right to information, nations demonstrate their commitment to upholding democratic values and fostering a culture of accountability.

The RTI Act not only serves as a mechanism for combating corruption but also promotes good governance practices. By enabling citizens to access information about government decisions, policies, and expenditures, the Act enhances public participation in governance. Informed citizens are better equipped to hold their representatives accountable and contribute to the overall development and progress of the nation.

The Right to Information Act is a cornerstone of democracy, ensuring that governments remain transparent, accountable, and responsive to the needs of their citizens. By upholding the principles of openness and accessibility, nations can strengthen their democratic institutions and promote a culture of integrity and trust in governance.


Right to Information Act 2019 Hindi

  • The Right to Information Act, commonly referred to as RTI, is a transformative legislation that empowers citizens of India to access crucial information from various government authorities. This Act ensures transparency and accountability in governance by allowing any Indian citizen to request information within a stipulated timeframe.
  • One of the key features of the RTI Act is the provision that mandates government authorities to respond to information requests within 30 days. However, in cases where the information sought pertains to matters concerning life and personal liberty, the Act requires authorities to provide the information within a shorter timeframe of 48 hours. This expedited process underscores the significance of timely access to critical information that directly impacts individual rights and freedoms.
  • The Act emphasizes the importance of document preservation and security within public authorities. It mandates that all government entities must safeguard their documents and maintain them securely, whether in physical form or through electronic means such as computers. This requirement ensures the integrity and accessibility of information for future reference and accountability purposes.
  • In instances where individuals are dissatisfied with the information provided or encounter delays in receiving the requested information, the RTI Act allows for an appeals process. Citizens have the right to appeal to local, state, and central information commissions to address grievances related to information disclosure and compliance with the Act’s provisions. This appeals mechanism serves as a crucial avenue for ensuring transparency and accountability in governance.
  • The scope of the RTI Act extends beyond government authorities to include key constitutional bodies and institutions at both the central and state levels. Notably, the Act grants citizens the right to seek information from high offices such as the President, Vice President, Prime Minister, Parliament, State Legislature, and constitutional bodies like the Supreme Court, High Court, Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG), and Election Commission. By encompassing these entities, the Act ensures that transparency and accountability permeate all levels of governance.
  • At the central level, the RTI Act provides for the establishment of a Chief Information Commissioner and a Central Information Commission comprising 10 or fewer Information Commissioners. Similarly, each state is mandated to constitute a State Information Commission to oversee information requests and appeals within the state. This decentralized structure ensures effective implementation of the Act and facilitates timely access to information for citizens across the country.
  • While the RTI Act applies to most states in India, it is important to note that Jammu and Kashmir operates under its own Right to Information Act. Nevertheless, the overarching principles of transparency and accountability enshrined in the RTI Act are upheld by constitutional bodies, institutions, and entities established by Acts of Parliament or State Assembly. This inclusive approach ensures that citizens have the right to access information from a wide range of government bodies and institutions, fostering a culture of openness and accountability in governance.


DoPT is its nodal ministry

  • The Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT) serves as the pivotal department overseeing the implementation of the Right to Information Act and the Central Information Commission. It plays a crucial role in ensuring the effective functioning of the RTI framework and upholding principles of transparency and accountability in governance.
  • Under the RTI Act, a vast majority of public undertakings and authorities have been brought within its purview, signifying a significant step towards promoting openness and access to information. This inclusion ensures that citizens have the right to seek vital information from various government entities, fostering a culture of transparency in public administration.
  • To streamline the process of filing and responding to RTI requests, approximately 2200 government offices and undertakings of the Central Government have established an online system. This digital platform aims to facilitate seamless interactions between citizens and government bodies, emphasizing the government’s commitment to enhancing transparency and accountability in its operations.
  • In alignment with the digital age, a dedicated portal and mobile application have been introduced to enable citizens to file RTI requests conveniently using modern technology. This innovative approach empowers individuals to access information from their mobile devices at any time and from any location, enhancing the accessibility and efficiency of the RTI process.
  • Recognizing the importance of extending the benefits of RTI to the state level, state governments have been encouraged to explore the feasibility of launching their own RTI portals. This initiative aims to broaden the reach of the RTI Act and ensure that citizens across different states have equal opportunities to exercise their right to information.
  • In support of state governments’ efforts to establish online RTI portals, the National Informatics Center (NIC) has been tasked with providing technical assistance and expertise. By collaborating with NIC, state governments can leverage technology to create user-friendly and efficient RTI platforms, further enhancing the accessibility and effectiveness of the RTI process at the state level.
  • Overall, the integration of digital solutions, such as online portals and mobile applications, into the RTI framework underscores the government’s commitment to modernizing administrative processes and promoting transparency in governance. These initiatives not only simplify the process of filing RTI requests but also empower citizens to actively engage with government institutions and hold them accountable for their actions.